5 reasons you should sharpen & service your machine tooling

Welcome to the Leitz Tooling blog! Today, we want to talk about a topic that is often overlooked in the world of manufacturing: tool sharpening and servicing. Many companies overlook the importance of maintaining their tools, assuming that they can simply replace them when they become worn or damaged.

However, this approach can be costly and time-consuming, leading to production delays, increased downtime and higher energy costs. In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages of tool sharpening and servicing, including how it can improve production, reduce costs, and extend the lifespan of your tools. We will also explore why tool servicing is still relatively uncommon in the UK, and what you can do to ensure that your tools are properly maintained and serviced. So, whether you are new to the world of manufacturing or are simply looking for ways to improve your production processes, we hope that this blog post will provide you with valuable insights into the importance of tool sharpening and servicing.


Improved Cutting Performance: 

Tooling that has been sharpened plays a crucial role in improving cutting performance compared to tools that are run to blunt. When a tool is sharpened, its cutting edges are restored to their original sharpness, allowing for more efficient and precise cutting. This is primarily due to the fact that sharp edges reduce the amount of force required to cut through materials, resulting in less strain on the machine, motor, and tool itself.

When a tool is run to blunt, its cutting edges gradually wear down, losing their sharpness and becoming dull. This can have several negative impacts on the machine, motor, and tool. Firstly, running a blunt tool requires more force to cut through materials, which puts additional strain on the machine and motor. This increased force can lead to overheating, decreased efficiency, and even potential damage to the machine's components.

Moreover, the decreased cutting performance of a blunt tool can result in a poor quality cut. Dull edges tend to produce rougher cuts, causing materials to fray or splinter rather than cleanly severing them. This can be particularly problematic when working with delicate or expensive materials, as it can lead to wasted resources and additional costs. Using a blunt tool can negatively impact the tool itself. Dull edges are more prone to chipping or breaking, especially when subjected to excessive force. This can result in a shorter lifespan for the tool, requiring more frequent replacement and increasing overall costs.

In contrast, sharpened tooling offers numerous advantages. Sharp edges allow for smoother and more precise cuts, reducing the likelihood of material damage or wastage. The reduced force required to cut through materials also prolongs the lifespan of the machine and motor, as they are subjected to less strain. Furthermore, regularly sharpening tools can help maintain their overall performance and efficiency, ensuring optimal cutting results.

The sharpening of tooling significantly improves cutting performance compared to tools that are run to blunt. The sharp edges of a tool reduce the force required to cut, resulting in less strain on the machine, motor, and tool itself. Running tools to blunt can lead to increased force, poor quality cuts, and potential damage to the machine, motor, and tool. Therefore, regular sharpening of tooling is crucial for maintaining optimal cutting performance and prolonging the lifespan of the equipment.


Increased Tool Lifespan: 

Sharp edges reduce the amount of force required to cut through materials, resulting in less stress on the tool.

When a tool is used without being sharpened, its cutting edges gradually wear down, becoming dull and less effective. This can lead to increased friction and heat generation, which accelerates the wear on the tool. Additionally, dull edges are more prone to chipping or breaking, especially when subjected to excessive force. As a result, the tool's lifespan is significantly reduced, and it may need to be replaced more frequently.

However, by regularly sharpening tooling, the tool life can be extended. A sharpener can not only restore the sharpness of the cutting edges but also detect if the tool is not being used correctly based on the wear patterns. Improper use, such as excessive force or incorrect cutting angles, can cause uneven wear on the tool. The sharpener can identify these issues and provide feedback or guidance on proper tool usage to avoid premature wear.

By maintaining sharp edges through regular sharpening, the tool experiences less friction and heat during cutting operations. This reduces the wear and tear on the tool, resulting in a longer tool life. Furthermore, sharp edges provide cleaner cuts, reducing the likelihood of chipping or breaking, which further contributes to the tool's longevity.


Reduced Downtime: 

 When tools are properly sharpened, they regain their original sharpness and cutting efficiency. This means that they can perform their intended tasks more effectively and with less effort. As a result, manufacturers experience fewer interruptions due to tool failures or inefficiencies. With sharp tooling, production processes can run smoothly, minimizing the need for frequent tool changes or adjustments. This reduction in downtime allows manufacturers to maximize productivity, meet production targets, and avoid costly delays.


Better Surface Finish:

The improved surface finish achieved with sharpened tooling has several important implications for manufacturers. Firstly, it can help to reduce production lead times. A smoother surface finish often eliminates the need for additional finishing processes, such as sanding or polishing, which can add time to the overall production cycle. By using sharp tools, manufacturers can achieve the desired surface quality right from the initial cutting stage, streamlining the production process and accelerating time to market.

Secondly, using blunt tooling can result in the need for reworking of the workpiece. A rough surface finish may not meet the required specifications or quality standards, necessitating additional steps to refine the surface or correct any defects. This reworking process can be time-consuming and costly, leading to wasted time and resources. By utilizing sharpened tooling, manufacturers can minimize the need for reworking, ensuring that the workpiece meets the desired surface finish on the first attempt.

Furthermore, a poor surface finish caused by blunt tooling can result in wasted time and materials. If the surface quality does not meet the required standards, the workpiece may need to be discarded or scrapped, leading to material wastage and increased production costs. By using sharp tooling, manufacturers can consistently achieve a high-quality surface finish, reducing the likelihood of wasted time and materials.


Lower tooling and machinery costs:

Resharpened tooling offers significant cost-effectiveness compared to tools that are run to blunt. By regularly resharpening tools, manufacturers can extend their lifespan, reducing the frequency of replacements. This saves on the cost of purchasing new tools and reduces downtime associated with tool changes. Additionally, using sharp tools minimizes the risk of damage to machinery and motors. Blunt tools can exert excessive force and cause unnecessary strain on equipment, leading to premature wear and potential breakdowns. By resharpening tools, manufacturers can maintain optimal cutting performance, reducing the likelihood of damage to machinery and associated repair costs.

Furthermore, sharp tools are less likely to experience unexpected breakage during operation. Dull or blunt tools are more prone to chipping or breaking, especially under high stress or forces. This can result in unplanned downtime, increased maintenance expenses, and potential safety hazards. By resharpening tools, manufacturers can ensure their tools are in optimal condition, reducing the risk of unexpected breakage and its associated costs.



In summary, tool sharpening and servicing is an important aspect of manufacturing that can improve cutting performance, increase tool lifespan, reduce downtime, and save costs. If you are a business to business company looking to improve your production processes, we recommend getting in touch with us to inquire about our tool sharpening and other services. Don't wait until your tools are worn or damaged - regular maintenance can help you avoid costly replacements and keep your production running smoothly. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you optimize your manufacturing processes.

Leitz Knives & Inserts


Engineered For Precision